Episode #207
How would you like work to be more rewarding and fun?
Terry Chadsey is the executive director of the Center for Courage and Renewal. In this week’s video, he shares something that helps staff to fully bring themselves to their work roles. It’s something he also uses to help himself show up fully to work.
I met Terry when he hired me to create a video series about the work the Center for Courage and Renewal does. After learning about the Center and experiencing what they do, I can’t say enough good things about them. They change lives in a way I’ve never seen before. I know I’m sounding a bit like a commercial, but if you ever get the chance to go to one of their retreats, GO! You’ll experience something truly wonderful and unique. Check out their website for more info.
If you have any stories or advice on being more present at work, please share your advice or stories in a comment box under the video. Thanks.
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Christopher Davenport says
Do you have any stories or advice on being more present at work? If so, please share your advice or stories in a comment box. Thanks.
Klara says
At the drop-in center that I run, we have a lovely meditation room called Sophia’s Room. I try to go in there each morning for about 15 minutes of meditation before anyone arrives. Then do some stretching. It shapes and holds the day. The days I miss doing this just don’t go as well.
Leslie says
As a development person, best way I have found is to start the day writing thank you notes to donors and supporters.
Heather says
Leslie – what a great strategy. I will embrace this in my routine as I so enjoy paying homage to our supporters…
Trudy says
This is a great reminder to work joyfully with purpose. If that is not possible, you may be in the wrong job.
Ann says
As the Development Officer for the Center for Courage & Renewal I have benefited both personally and professionally from this approach as well as Terry’s leadership. I’m one lucky gal!
Gina Hall says
As the Director of Philanthropy for a large non-profit, I listen to a encouraging bible teaching in my car on the way to work and then make sure to read an inspirational reading at my desk before I start my day. I especially like the part in the video that suggests stopping in the middle of the day to breath, reflect and reassess where you are. I may try to incorporate that as well. Great video, Chris!
Sherry Manschot says
Thank you Terry and Chris for sharing! We end each of our staff meetings with the opportunity to share either a recent participant story or to share highlights from a recent program. Often one in the same, these are the stories that are keep us all in tune with who we serve and why. Most importantly though is that it brings out the relationship that we as staff forge with our families.