Episode #244
Does your executive director’s attitude make a difference on your organization?
It can be difficult to stay positive sometimes as an executive director. As you know, there are many unique stresses that come with working at a nonprofit organization.
In today’s video you’ll meet two board members, Earl and Jeni. They have some very practical tips on how your board can truly help your executive director thrive. Please share this video with your board members and even your other staff members. These tips can also be applied to anyone working at your nonprofit.
And if you like these tips, please thank Earl Bell and Jeni Craswell for presenting them.
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If you have any tips or stories on how to help executive directors thrive, please share them in a comment box. Thanks. 🙂
Do you have any Exec Dir’s evaluation tools you could share? Our board will be conducting the first formal eval in a number of years and it would be great to have some samples. Thanks!
Hi Betty,
I’d be happy to send you some materials. Why don’t you send me an email jenic@imaginehousing.org and I’ll send them directly to you.
Would you share the above information with me also (Do you have ED evaluation tools that you could share?) I am this year’s board Chair & we have decided to have a yearly ED evaluation that has not been done for many years. We also have decided to have regular executive board meetings in addition to board meetings.
The organization I volunteer for is the Sandhills Children’s Center, Southern Pines, NC. Thanks
Tina Fasolak
Excellent video! Great reminders for all on both sides of the table.
Very good video – content is good and I always like how the videos are brief but informative.
What an insightful video. Thanks for sharing. I loved the formula for winning!
Really good content! At the end of the day, it’s not rocket science…..so, what gets in the way? Good stuff.
When i worked at an environmental org, the board president met weekly with me for tea and asked how things were, what I needed support on, etc…
This is brilliant strategy. Both from a management strategy, but even more so in order to really get to know you and how you tick! Sounds like you felt supported which is exactly the point!
Great pointers on how to interact as a Board with the Exec Dir. Some simple but very effective questions that are suggested here. I think this approach will clear the air in some instances and deepen relationships in others. Thanks!
This is fantastic! Thank you.
If the ED is focusing on doing just the things they thrive at, who is doing the rest of the job?
I, too would like to have the ED evaluation tool. dail@ncumcamps.org