Episode #231
Could your online donation page be hurting your fundraising?
In today’s video, Steve MacLaughlin from Blackbaud shares some insightful advice for raising more money online. You’ll learn about several different ways you can improve your donation page. These are proven ways that will increase your online donations.
If you have any stories or advice on raising more money online, please share them in a comment box under the video. Your nonprofit friends will appreciate it.
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Christopher Davenport says
If you have any stories or advice on raising more money online, please share them in a comment box. Your nonprofit friends will appreciate it. Thanks. 🙂
Joy Stephens says
Excellent topic and great advice. Thanks!
Dale Anania says
Love that you push mobile donation form, but Convio’s new web-enabled form looks terrible. Has funky positioning. I was shocked at the poor quality of it and urge you to improve it!
Steve MacLaughlin says
Thanks for the feedback. I will be sure to share that with our Luminate Online team.
Susan Sakash says
Thanks Steve and Christopher. Can you post any examples of donation forms that you feel are especially suited for mobile viewing? It would be helpful to compare ours against one that you feel does it well. Best, Susan
Steve MacLaughlin says
Here are some good examples of mobile friendly donation forms:
The Nature Conservancy — https://m.support.nature.org/site/Donation2?10420.donation=form1&df_id=10420
Mercy Corps — https://www.mercycorps.org/donate
Durham Habitat for Humanity — http://www.durhamhabitat.org/donate/donate-now
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Michelle Banks says
This was a great topic. Thank you for posting. I’d also like to hear some ideas/best practices about giving via text.
Michelle B.
Lizanne Schader says
Learning about donating via text is something we are interested in as well!
Steve MacLaughlin says
Michelle and Lizanne…
Text-to-give can work well in certain situations, but in general is not an effective channel for an online giving program.
If you’re an organization that often deals with emergency or episodic donor situations, then text-to-give is something to have at the ready.
I think that you would get better results from a text-to-web strategy, meaning that you are using SMS to direct them to a mobile friendly donation form. This approach means that you can ask for larger gift amounts, you get the donor information right then and there, and you can quickly get them into your stewardship process.
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Stanimira Atanasova says
Great points. We are now planning our future web donation forms and we need as much useful info on the topic as we can get.
Some examples of ‘good forms’ (both desktop and mobile) would be pretty useful, indeed!
Thanks again,
St. Atanasova
Steve MacLaughlin says
What not to do is almost as important as what to do. Check out this article that I wrote about donation form worst practices: http://www.npengage.com/nonprofit-research/5-donation-form-bad-practices/
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Ash Shepherd says
Fantastic tips. I like the idea of changing giving levels to reflect average giving trends throughout the year.
I also really like the idea of having unique donation pages that match up with particular segments of donors. No point in crafting target communications if everyone lands at the same destination. Another example of how the donation experience runs from initial communication through the donation follow-up, not just until the communication has bene sent out.
Thanks again fro sharing your helpful insights.