Would you like the answers to your fundraising problems at your fingertips?
Now you can have the world’s largest video collection of fundraising professionals talking about how they overcome the many challenges nonprofits face. From fundraising challenges, to working with board members, to finding and stewarding donors, and so much more.
These 275+ episodes are from the web series "Movie Monday for Fundraising Professionals". They are perfect for sharing with your development team or watching them at board meetings.
Here are some of the subjects that are covered in the series:
- Stewarding Donors
- Finding new Donors
- Working with Board Members
- Maximizing Special Events
- Using Social Media effectively
- Nonprofit Storytelling
- Getting Grants
- Planned Giving
- Leadership
- Major Gifts
- Missions and Vision
- Nonprofit Marketing
Immediate Access
This collection of videos is online. After you purchase the videos, you'll be sent a link with your login information and directions. Watch the videos on your computer or on a smart phone or tablet.
The next time you run into a problem at your nonprofit, you’ll be able to turn to this collection of videos and find a solution.
Many people use the episodes to help inspire staff and volunteers. Some folks start every board meeting by playing an episode on a particular topic.
These episodes have inspired and helped over thirty thousand people from all over the world. Check out the testimonials below.
Your short videos are absolutely priceless... Excellent work.
Boys & Girls Clubs of DE
For anyone working in a ‘lone’ office (i.e. no one else to bounce ideas off), and for anyone working in a team, these videos are just fantastic.
Head of Philanthropy - Australian Ballet School
I love watching these movies! They give great insight to Executive Directors on how to encourage their board members in fundraising and in non-profit support. Also, how to approach donors and increasing donor relationships are key elements to these movies.
Executive Director - Pregnancy Resource Clinic
And for a limited time, you'll also get a special collection of videos called:
“How Donors Think”
"How Donors Think" takes you on a journey to the other side of fundraising.
You'll hear what actual donors really think. You can use this knowledge to build stronger relationships with current and future donors.
This special collection of videos is made up of actual donor interviews. These donors give candid answers to 24 questions that were submitted by Movie Monday viewers.
So, if you’d like an easier time raising money, training board members, relieving stress, and finding out how donors think, then get this collection of videos.
Save $75 when you buy today.
This collection normally sells for $150. But if you get it today, you'll save 50% and get the "How Donors Think" collection of videos for FREE.
Click the button below.