Episode #243
Don’t write another grant until after watching this.
In today’s video, you are going to get an eye-popping look behind the scenes of what happens to your grant application at a foundation.
Missy Longshore was working at a foundation and discovered some little known facts about the inner workings of a foundation. You might be very surprised to learn the chain of command and the process your grant proposal goes through before being approved or rejected.
I hope this video helps you get more grants. If you’d like to contact Missy, you can check out her website at LongshoreConsulting.com or find her on Twitter here: @mflongshore
If you have any tips or stories on how to get grants, please share them in a comment box under the video. Thanks.
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Christopher Davenport says
If you have any tips or stories on how to get grants, please share them in a comment box. Thanks. 🙂
Mary Cosgrove says
Hi Chris,
I’m unable to access this week’s Free Movie Monday’s on grant’s processing.
There are errors on the page.
Christopher Davenport says
Mary, if you’re not able to see the video it’s most likely that your IT dept has put restrictions on incoming media. Please check out the FAQ above http://moviemondays.wpengine.com/faq/ Thanks.
Ray Arnett says
First, realize she is talking about a very large foundation – smaller foundations share jobs – so the the program office may also be the grant administrator. Either way, a phone call to the program officer/grants administrator before you submit a grant proposal will help you determine if it is a good fit for them. Also a follow-up phone call after you submit will help make sure it does not “fall through the cracks.”
Her comments about following requirements is very useful!! Many good ideas may get rejected because the requirements were not followed.
Finding that fit is a must!!
TrudyS says
FYI – know up front that she is talking about apply for grants above 5K. She doesn’t mention that until about 10 minutes into piece.
Carolyn Zollars says
Excellent advice and perfect timing. Thank you very much!
Ann Fahy-Gust says
Good advice! I work as a grants manager and agree it is so important to read the requirements first before deciding to submit an application. There are a number of organizations that don’t read about what we fund and Missy’s right, they don’t go to the next round if they don’t have what we are looking for. Another great suggestion is to be sure you have all the required additional information. If you can’t get that all together by the application deadline – don’t apply – we need that to process a grant. With limited funds we are looking for partnership in grants not just to hand out the funding.
Thanks Missy for this great advice.
Craig Stewart says
Spot on! Great advise for grant seekers.
Apex Foundation
Pamela Grow says
I’ve long been a proponent of building a core base of funding from small to mid-sized foundations. You’re not dealing with the cumbersome bureaucracies of the larger foundations (like those discussed here) and it’s a lot less hassle.
Nirit says
interesting and true, yet, could be heavily edited, so that it’s not 12 minutes long!!! Thanks anyway, Missy and Chris…
Beth Ann Locke says
Super advice… You didn’t talk about meeting with the foundation prior, or making calls to the program staff.